I have a question regarding Zakat on crypto.
Do we pay zakT on our crypto? And if yes, how we calculate it S the price is always volatil.?
I have a question regarding Zakat on crypto.
Do we pay zakT on our crypto? And if yes, how we calculate it S the price is always volatil.?
I have a question regarding Zakat on crypto.
Do we pay zakT on our crypto? And if yes, how we calculate it S the price is always volatil.?
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DEAR @Mufti_Faraz_Adam
Would you please let me know of crypto staling is Halal or not?
Example : CRO , BNB and ADA, ETH?
i was under the impression i have to hold the assets for a year,for example if my wallet value on paper is £10k last may and today 1 yr on the value is £100k,even though the price has only increased in the last few months,what do i pay zakat on ? the average? or the final value now of £100k?,even though its not real profit till i cash out and most of it is for future investment growth? If i have to pay 2.5% on 100k aint that unfair.especially since most of the year it was hovering around £50k wallet value and on top most of the investments are for future growth as in long term hold? what do i do?please advise.jzk
Final value I would say. So you calculate exactly from what you’ll be left with if you take it out on the day you do your zakaat. No averaging or anything. Allah knows best