Working in a financial software company


I am thinking for applying for a job in HR in a company that produces financial software.

According to their website, they produce software that provides

  • market data reports
  • Software to analyse performance and compare products to allow individual to make decisions
  • Investment management software

Would working in such a company be allowed islamically?

Thank you


May Allah bless you.

What would the role involved in the HR department?

My role would be working in the compensation team; advising on employee salaries, employee benefits and bonus schemes.

As longer as you are not advising on any haram benefits or bonuses then, it is fine.

As for working in such company in itself, if the software they are selling is mainly to help with the performance of financial companies only, then I would not advice to take up a job there.

However, given the current economic climate, and since the role itself may be permissible, then it would be acceptable to apply for such a job. However, as I always advice, try to always find a better alternative which is more shariah compliant and with an decent salary or better.

And Allah knows best!