Railway Engineering Bridge

Considering there might be mixed gathering in trains because its the west, is it permissible to help a construction company build a bridge used only for trains but not the actual train?

Assalaamu alaykum,

It is permissible.

wait what I wrote does not make sense.
I will be constructing bridges. However the train company will deal with driving and brining in customers. However in the west, companies do not segregate trains between men or women. if im responsible for fixing the bridge or building a new one is it halal?
jazakallah hair

Wa alaykum salaam,

It is permissible.

One more question please.
If the women uncover in the train because of west, is the engineering job still halal? or is this not my concern because im only engineering?
May Allah reward you

Answer to this one?
One more question please.
If the women uncover in the train because of west, is the engineering job still halal? or is this not my concern because im only engineering?
May Allah reward you