Purification of wealth

Hi please could someone answer the following question. I recently sold my share in Tesla and made a £50 profit. Do I have to purify this profit and if I do how much do I have to give to charity and please could someone do the calculation for me for future reference.

Thank you

Wa alaykum salaam,

Which screening criteria were you using when investing in Tesla?

Zoya currently reports Tesla as Shariah compliant, so from that perspective, you would not need to purify anything.


I was of the impression almost all shariah companies have some sort of non halal income source but as long as they are not above 5% of the total income , they are considered shariah compliant.
Hence to be on the safe side it is best to purify maximum 5% of the profits.

Allah knows best.

With Regards

Ahmed Haq

I used Zoya and just for future reference if I did buy and sell a share. Do I only need to purify a maximum of 5 percent. Furthermore I sold the share after a month of purchasing it and is this allowed due to the t +2 day settlement period