Personal Finance Question: Breakdown Covers

Assalāmu ‘alaikum ww

Would like to hear the honourable Muftis opinion on breakdown covers, are they permissible?

If so, are all types of covers permissible?


May Allah bless you.

My opinion is that some of the covers are permissible such as 1. at home 2. roadside assistance 3. national recovery.

The covers that are not necessary and therefore not permissible are for example: 1. key replacement 2. onward travel 3. new battery.

Mufti Zubair Butt argues that only the breakdown cover on the motorway can be tolerated from a shariah perspective. You can read his research on this link:

@Mufti_Faraz_Adam might have a different opinion on the above.

Please note that the various opinions on such matter is mainly based on the following:

  1. Is breakdown cover halal in itself?
  2. if breakdown cover is not halal, then depending on the fiqh principle of need and public benefits, can some of the covers be tolerated?

My opinion is that breakdown cover in itself is not halal but because there is a genuine need to have such cover, it can be tolerated.

And Allah knows best!