Permissibility of marketing for companies that offer interest-based financing

Assalamu Alaikum,

Is it permissible to do marketing for companies that offer interest-based financing (among other payment options)?

I’m considering starting a digital marketing agency for solar installers, and this financing option is common in the industry. By marketing I mean specifically SEO services (making them rank higher in google).

JazakAllah Khair,

@Mufti_Billal @Mufti_Faraz_Adam will appreciate your response! Jazzakum Allah Khayran!

Wa Alaikum Assalam Hesham,

If your marketing efforts explicitly promote interest-based financing, it would be more problematic. However, if your work primarily focuses on other aspects, like SEO for the company’s products or services, and not specifically on the financing options, it might be more permissible.