Thanks brother.
For @Mufti_Faraz_Adam and @Mufti_Billal
I received this from Trading 212 today:
Kiril Tsekov (Trading 212)
[26 Nov 2020, 09:29 ](calendar:T7:26 Nov 2020, 09:29 )EET
Good Morning,
I hope this email finds you well.
Investments purchased by us on your behalf or transferred to us will be registered in the name of a nominee company or our name or a sub-custodian. We will be responsible and liable for our nominee to the same extent as for our own acts, including losses arising from fraud, wilful default or negligence. Whenever your Investments are registered in the name of a Nominee company nominated by us, that Nominee will hold them on trust for you. This means that you are the beneficial owner of the Investments. Any Investments held by a Nominee will be held in an omnibus account.
Your Investments will be registered in the same name as those of other clients (pooled together with other clients’ Investments in an omnibus co-mingled custody account, like with like). This means that Investments will not necessarily be immediately identifiable by way of separate certificates. If we or our third-party nominee were to become insolvent there may be delays in identifying individual assets, and possibly an increased risk of loss if there should be a shortfall because additional time will be needed to identify the assets held for specific clients. In addition, in the event of an unreconciled shortfall caused by the default of a custodian, you may share proportionately in that shortfall.
The most common way to prove the ownership of a certain security would be by requesting the issuance of a share certificate. We will be able to issue the aforementioned document as per your request. Take into consideration that the document will be displaying your name, as a beneficial owner of the equity.
Trading 212 does not support share transferring in general. You will not be able to transfer your open positions from your ISA towards your Invest account. As a Brokerage Company support only money transfers, due to various Anti-money laundering policies as well as security compliances.
Hopefully, this clarifies the matter for you. Should you require any additional assistance, please feel free to reach out to us.
Kind Regards
Can you please confirm if it is still halal to use Trading 212 as a broker to buy and sell sharia compliant shares.