Just starting ! Seeking Guidance on Halal Investment Journey

Sallam everyone!

I’ve been exploring various videos and podcasts about halal investment, and I’ve come across IFG, where I see how people are transforming their lives. I aspire to be one of them, but I’m just starting out and feel a bit lost, especially since I’m really new to the world of investment and finance.

As a software engineer in France, I’m not entirely satisfied with the direction my field is heading. I want to embark on my own investment journey to create more financial freedom for myself, my family, and my community. While I don’t dislike my job or plan to leave it anytime soon, having a side venture would be incredibly rewarding.

Here are a few questions I have:

  1. Where should I start?
  2. What should I focus on learning?
  3. What does it take to succeed in this field?
  4. What make an investment hallal and an other one Haram ?

I’m eager to begin and truly motivated by the success stories I’ve seen. in the past , My primary concern is ensuring that the investments I make are halal. I was thrilled to discover IFG, as it aligns with my values.

Thank you in advance for any advice or insights you can provide. I really appreciate your help!
