Is working at Marquee Equity Halal or haram?


I am currently working as a campaign manager at Marquee Equity. In essense, Marquee Equity is a marketing firm that runs campaigns for startups to help them fundraise. We help different startups, VCs, Banking instiutions help raise funds. In the end, we just run a campaign and work as a introductory platform, the investment takes place between the investor and startup, we are just a marketing firm, so we do take a success fee as well. I was wondering if me working as a campaign manager who helps these startups run campaigns is actually halal or haram.

The main reason why this thought got triggered is because we also help VCs raise funds (debt fund, healthcare fund, climate-tech fund etc) and also debt financing so essentially the founder will be raising debt as a part of their fundraise, and where there is debt, there is interest so does this make my work haram?

Website of Marquee Equity -

JazakAllah Khair

@Mufti_Billal @Mufti_Faraz_Adam - Any advise would be greatly appreciated?