Is my job haram? Is my money haram?

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

After a year, I recently got a decent job at a warehouse. Now I’m practicing alhamdulilah I made sure I’m off Friday for jummah, I have a place to pray at work and the goods I’m carrying are not meat/alcohol bottles. Alhamdulilah, its mainly dairy products milk, juices, milkshakes

However, the issues are a few:

  1. there is an aisle where they have cakes like tiramisu that contain alcohol which would 100% be haram for me to carry. So would it be okay to avoid the aisle and continue working for the company? Or do I have to l leave?

  2. I work 11 hour shifts and they blast radio music throughout the warehouse, sometimes I do dhikr too keep my mind of the music. Would this also make the job haram?


Wasalam wr wb

May Allah bless you.

When you work in superstores/supermarkets, there will be a time where you might have to carry haram stuff. Sometimes even as a one off, you could end up working in the alcoholic drinks aisle. Myself, I was put on such situation before, and this is the nature of the job unfortunately.
Muslims working in supermarkets, should obviously try to work in the non haram department of a supermarket. However, if from time to time they are facing the above situation, or if the majority of products they carry is halal and only some is haram, then it can be tolerated from an Islamic perspective.

Finally, a Muslim should always have the intention to move to a working place, where its absolutely free from any haram stuff.

And Allah knows best!