Is my job Halal? Content marketing and landing page prototypes

Assalamu aleykum wa rahmatullah, i have 2 questions. If you help, i woud be very grateful. In advance, appologies for my poor English.

  1. I am SMManager. I promote small businesses in Telegram messanger. One guy has a channel with 2,5k subs. He’s an osteopath. He helps people who has a spine pain, osteochondrosis and so on. So i was offered to mantain his channel for amount of money. We’ve agreed that make only halal content. Then i saw that most of his subs are women. So what i am scared of is that my content will cause non-mahram women to go to this man and will get a share of his sin. Am i right in my thinking or does it seem like osd?

  2. I want to find Marketing agency that makes landing pages and make prototypes of landing. Prototype includes only text, lines and squeres that simbolize a picture. So bassicly its like skellet of landing. Then disigner edits Fonts, Colors and Put pictures instead of my squeres. My concern is that these agencies work with non muslims. And its highly possible that there will be pictures of women without hijab. So my question is simillar to the first one: will i be sinful for participating?

If possible, i need your answer ASAP, because ill act according to your fatwa. If its permissible, i dont want to miss opportunity


May Allah bless you.

  1. you don’t need to worry about who goes to him.

  2. send more details of the role you will be performing

Jazakallahu khairon.

I type commercial texts for landing pages that sells products or services. I make target audience analysis and competitor analysis before writting texts. Аlso i make a structure of future landing page: positioning of pictures (empty squeres) and texts. Like this one:

Basically its kind of technical task for a designer. Also i can give some guidelines for a designer about what part of text should be emphasized with different font , colour and so on. Also i can give recomendations about pictures: what picture its better to place and what will grab attention of target audience. But client has final word. Maybe client wants to use photo of herself without hijab and i wont be able to do anything about it.

Briefly speaking, landing page is made in 3 steps:

  1. Prototyping —> 2) Designing —> 3) Coding

I’ m planning to do the first one

If you have to help in the designing or positioning of a haram image, or creating marketing contents for a haram business, then this would not be acceptable.
However, if the nature of your role only involves dealing with minor haram contents etc, then your job would can be tolerated, and your wage would not be considered as haram.
You can take the job if you need to, but try to look for something else free of any sort of haram elements im the future.

Kind regards