Is income related to leasing haram?

Assalaamu 'alaikum,

Is income derived from a leasing program haram considering there’s interest on lease payments? A lot of products are sold and/or leased by the same companies potentially tainting their revenue streams (car manufacturers, healthcare equipment, etc).

JazakAllahu khayran


May Allah bless you.
Do you actually mean if you are leasing something with an interest payment for yourself?

Assalaamu’ alaikum,

I should have been more precise in my question, I meant to ask if we can participate in companies that have a leasing program such as Tesla (TSLA) with their Automotive leasing revenue of 563 million or Intuitive (ISRG) with their Intuitive System Leasing program’s sales-type lease revenue of 154.4 million. These are simply examples and I’m not asking if participating in these companies is permitted or not.

Are those considerered part of haram income (to be counted within the max 5%) or not considering part of leasing involves riba? Either way, could you please explain why it is or isn’t considered haram?

JazakAllahu khayran

If the leasing contracts involved interest payment, then only the interest part will be haram.
The lease itself may be acceptable otherwise.