I wonder if i could use DEGIRO to buy shares ?
I wonder if i could use DEGIRO to buy shares ?
May Allah bless you.
You can use a broker to buy shares. However, some of the service they offer may not be shariah compliant and must be avoided, such as margin trade with interest repayment.
You must ensure the shares you are trading is completed in a shariah compliant manner.
You must also ensure the shares themselves are shariah compliant.
And Allah knows best!
Thankyou for your reply!
The share lending agreement also have to be off right ?
Exactly - you can’t let them lend your shares and/or accept their interest payments on your cash.
So is DEGIRO good to go ?
yes - in my humble opinion.
Im closing trading 212 invested accoutn… i will opend DEGIRO now… thanks for your reply i’ve been waiting for confirmation haha.
The invest or isa account with trading 212 look fine for me from Shariah perspectives as long as you respect settlement
I listened to a video on youtube which said that degiro’s basic profile borrows shares
You have two profiles on degiro… one with share lending… one without…
celui ou il a pas de pret d’action c’est lequel ?
Selam brother.
Haha sorry i dont’t talk french haha
But i translated it.
Well, when you open account you will get 2 options later on.
One with share lending and one without. You can click one of them.
It even describes it.
Selam Omar,
Do you still use DEGIRO? I have read that it is not allowed to use them because they invest your money.
buraz je ne koristim degorio… ja sada koristim e toro…
nesikaraj se previse o tome… sam dok kupis halal to je naj bitnije
Hvala ti na odgovoru.
Dali investiras i u crypto ili? I jesil slucajno iz holandije posto degiro je holandski.
ne ja sam dionicar kao swing trading… i da ja sam iz holandije hehe a ti ?
Aha oke.
Da jesam hehe.
Salamo3alaikom guys,
First of all thank you for all your inputs in this very interesting forum !
Just opened a DEGIRO account, be aware that the CUSTODY account does not exist anymore ! For new clients, you do not have choice you get a BASIC account meaning others clients will be able to use your shares … what do you thing ? Is there any other option ? [Speaking from France]
Thank you !
@Yolaf44 selam aleikum brother…
I dont use degiro… i use tradestation… it’s a broker where you can connect tradingview worh it… very handy if youre an technical trader
Thank you brother for your answer!
I did not know Tradestation. From a Shariah vies is there any issue ? Any lending of your shares ?
Thank you!