Investing courses for non UK residents

السلام عليكم

I am a beginner in investment , and I was thinking of taking IFG investing course to start over.
As I am starting, I am targeting to have multiple investing types in parallel, long term for pension, in addition to mid and short term investing if possible. I am in my early 30s.
But my criteria is to invest in 100% reba free sources.

However, I am from Egypt, and there is not much reliable Islamic finance institutes here, I believe even Islamic banks are obligated to buy government bonds by law.

I was considering taking the Islamic finance course offered by IFG, but it is really expensive for a third world country resident, so, I wanted to make sure I am going the right direction, I know the basics will apply everywhere , but I was more concerned about the following:

1- As a non UK resident, will I be able to access the same platforms and use the same financial tools ?
2- what will be the expected legal limitations for me ?
3- what are the expected additional expenses -taxes , commissions and such- for investing in UK as foreigner ?
4- Can I use similar tools in other muslim countries that may be are more friendly to small foreign investors , like Malaysia or Indonesia ?