I work in a car dealership


I am working in a (Muslim Owned) car dealership where a large part of the role in sales is preparing finance deals and sending off finance applications for customers via car finance companies or if a customer has arranged their own finance through personal loans from a bank or car finance companies.
Question 1: Is this halal or haram? There is a lot of advice online but all from varying fiqh perspectives and nothing concrete.

It has been something I am wrestling with for a while as I am contemplating taking on a larger role whcih will license me from the FCA to be able to work directly with the finance companies via self-employed route and ultimately the funds will be coming directly into my business account.
Question 2: If I was to later on start up a spin-off dealership my self, would it be permissable for me to work with finance companies and ultimately receive funds, commissions and profit from finance transactions?

I would greatly appreciate pointers WITH SOURCES/PROOF where possible and basically in line with the world as it is now.
