Husband not working, financial responsabilities of the wife?

Assalam Alaikum,

I am female revert and married since 2 years. Since the last year my husband has not been working and I have been the one contributing to the house expenses, however I have lost my job a week ago. I am constantly worried about finances since he is not working and I need to earn otherwise I will not have money. He says he will contribute once he shifts since he is living in a country where salaries are very low, we are trying living together in the same country. Am I obliged to contribute financially to his expenses? I would appreciate any advice on this matter as it is not making me feel comfortable and I really would like to know the best way islamically to deal with the situation.

Jazāk Allāhu Khayran

Walaikum assalam,

I’m sorry to learn of your situation. It’s important to understand that, Islamically, the husband is responsible for providing basic necessities for his wife (accommodation, food, clothing etc). It is an obligation on him. If you work, your money is yours. You do not have to give him a single penny. Further details: Rights of Husband and Rights of Wife in Islam - Islam Question & Answer

Just to mention a couple of other things:

  • When asking people for Islamic advice, you’ll sometimes be given different answers. Try to see if these answers are backed up by Qur’an/Hadith. It’s easier if you find a local scholar, perhaps at your local masjid, to help you. Always make du’a to Allah to guide you to what is right.

  • Secondly, and I’m sorry to say this, but there are men out there who will take advantage of new Muslims. For instance, by marrying a woman who won’t be aware of her rights, and using her for financial gain. I’m not saying this is what your husband is doing, but if you tell him about your rights and he makes excuses or gets defensive, this may be worrying. I would recommend reaching out to the Islamic Council of Europe to talk about this:

I understand this may feel overwhelming and I pray Allah makes things easy for you. Remember, He decrees things based on His divine wisdom - always make lots of du’a to him. Pour your heart out to him and ask him to guide you.

Lot of love,

Assalam Alaikum,

I appreciate this answer, it was extremely helpful. I am happy to say that the situation has changed for better. I have made it clear that I wouldn’t be contributing in any way financially and that the money I am earning I am keeping it to myself. I was very clear to him and we had a very good talk about this in which we were both very open about it. He said he could understand and he was going to start a business soon in sha Allah. He understood my concerns and was open to do better. This is also a reminder to all the sisters to expect the best from our husbands, if we can expect the best of others we are also able to expect the best from Allah subhanna wataala. I make dua that you are immensely rewarded by helping others so much.

Jazakallah Khair