Asalamualaikum,I really wanted to start dropshipping but because of the fatawas that I heard it makes me scared to invest in it . I will really appreciate if I could have an alternative that is shariah compliant.
May Allah bless you.
See link below:
Assalaamu alaykum, the following is the simple solution for dropshipping which can work:
1.Sell as Salam agreement with customer. This means you take payment in full from customer to supply an item you currently don’t own.
2.Thereafter, you go and purchase item from supplier in a normal transaction by paying.
3.You take responsibility for shipping so the Shariah requirement for possession is fulfilled.
You take responsibility for Item to be sent directly to customer.
Kind regards
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السلام عليكم
I have posted a similar proposal in the following link:
السلام عليكم طبقا لهذا الفيديو هل يعتبر الدروب شيبنج حلال اذا تم الالتزام بما قاله مقدم المقطع المرئي واذا كان هناك أي خطأ في كلامه؟
هل اذا وضحت في الجزء الخاص بسياسات البيع أنني لا أملك المنتجات التي أعرضها هل هكذا أكون دخلت في باب السمسره
الجائز واذا كان ذلك صحيحا هل يجب أن أوضح للمشتري وللمورد هامش ربحي
وأعتذر علي الاطاله
Is my proposal Shariah Compliant too? What about my clarifications in that post? can you shed some light on it please.