Getting private signals

Assalamu alikum,

I’m very sorry to disturb you shiekh. If you don’t mind I’d like to ask you about something. I have recently been getting signals that certain coins will be pumped and dumped, so I get in the coin before it gets pumped and I set a limit order after X % profit. I would like to ask, is what I’m doing halal? The pumps and dumps usually happen within seconds, they don’t last for more than a minute.


May Allah bless you.

Pump and dump in crypto world is usually part of a scam scheme.
Stay away from it.

And Allah knows best!

The pump I get signals for don’t bring in any outsiders, it’s usually the people who sell first within the pump who profit. Is this not permissible?

This is currently my main source of income.

The answer above is still applicable.

Kind regards

Jazzaka allahu khairan for your answer shiekh, may I ask why you think it’s haram though?

Also, do I have to give away any money I made from it?

why would you want to be part of a scam scheme? or why would you think that fraud and scam are in line with Islamic teachings?

Everyone gets an equal chance in the pump though. Where’s the scam? No outsiders are tricked into joining the pump because of FOMO

so you are claiming that P&D activity in crypto is absolutely fine and its not part of any sort of fraud or manipulation etc?

I’m against p&d schemes that drag insiders into the pump to help the initial pumpers dump on them. But i dont see an issue with pumping when everyone knows what they’re getting themselves into. It’s like we all put our money at a certain point and make a race to see who gets there first.

If you believe that you are not doing anything wrong morally, then where do you feel you might be doing something unislamic? :roll_eyes:

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I generally like to be sure of anything financially related. The last thing I’d want is to be making haram money. But i don’t see why it would be haram if there’s no manipulation.

Also can you please get back to me whenever you can on this shiekh?

But if you are sure, then there is no point asking, since you are already more sure than I am :rofl:

Im not sure :sweat_smile: I’m really not arguing haha I’m just trying to understand why you think it’s impermissible.

lol I think if someone tells me “Bill give me your money for investment but I might scam you in the end…” I would still believe this is wrong, even if I agree to it with a smile on my face, or even if the whole sentence is sugar coated with technical words :slight_smile:

Anyway @Mufti_Faraz_Adam and @ibrahimkhan should also share their input too on this topic!

Where’s the scam? :sweat_smile: it’s a game of who buys and sells the fastest

So the game is about: who will be the first one to be the scammer or to become the scammed one :sweat_smile:

why are you involving scamming in it :rofl:? everyone knows that it will go up and down, and everyone tries to get in and out as fast as they can. Who’s getting scammed?