Employer pension contribution


This question is very important to me and has been troubling me for quiet a while. I’m going to be purchasing a business, under UK Law as a business owner you have to pay a small contribution into your employees pension. What I aim to do is to switch the current employees (non Muslims) to a sharia compliant pension. However if I fail to switch them to a sharia compliant one be it legally or they legally protest. However I’ve got two questions.

Legally am I able to change their scheme to a sharia compliant pension or do I need to explicitly seek their permission to do so as their employer ( question for one of the IFG lawyers or business owners @ibrahimkhan )

Second one is more of a fatwa question: if I fail to switch them to a sharia compliant pension scheme am I sinful for paying into their standard pension considering it’s a legal requirement to do so in the UK? And the alternative is that unless all my employees are Muslim or they agree that to the switch then I cannot start any business in the uk that employe non Muslims? ( question for @Mufti_Billal @Mufti_Faraz_Adam )

If the mufti’s are able to answer both questions then that’s fabulous.

Jzk in advance brothers.


May Allah bless you.

I believe that you would not be sinful for contributing into the non shariah compliant fund for current employees, since it is not up to you to chose on their behalf, and that it is a legal requirement to contribute into the fund they have selected.

And Allah knows best!