Degiro Broker (Shares)

Assalam o alaikum,

I have some shares invested using a broker called Degiro. I got three questions:

Question 1: If one buys a company share at GBX 100 and sells them later at 140 GBX a month later and then buys them back at 100 GBX when they go down, is this permissible?

Question 2: Also, I’ve just realised since I use the Basic level of Degiro, I’ve heard that there is a possibility of these shares being lent - it is not definite. If this is haram, please tell me what to do when I sell these shares and also what shall I do with the account.

Question 3: Since I use a broker to purchase shares, will they be of mine ownership?

Also please answer these in the Hanafi Fiqh

Jazakallah Khairan in advance,

Haroon Usman



Please read and answer question above. Thank you.