Crypto Question: LENDING CRYPTO

Is it Riba when i lend my tokens to a second party without fixing a time period and i can get it back at any time i want, but the second party doesn’t pay me any interests, now, a third party comes (smart contact) pays me rewards for lending my crypto to the second party but those rewards comes from the smart contract reward pool ( NO BODY HAS PUT MONEY iN THE POOL, A % OF THE REWARDS TOKEN WERE PRE-ALLOCATED ORIGINALLY FROM THE NETWORK ) and the reward % rates will drop by the time goes by.

let me make an exemple :

I lend 1000 token to a second party, now i have 0 tokens the second party have my 1000 tokens, now the smart contract pays me 5% for providing utility within the network ( THE 5% COMES FROM THE REWARDS TOKEN WHO WERE PRE-ALLOCATED ORIGINALLY FROM THE NETWORK ), after that if i wish to get back my 1000 tokens i can get them back from the second party who borrowed from me + 50 tokens from the smart contract reward pool.