Crypto investments

Alsalamo alekom,

I hope you are doing well inshallah.
I would appreciate your quick response to my inquiry please, I have invested in crypto, some tokens are proved to be halal like ( ADA, VET, ONE, ZIL ) alhamdulillah however there are some tokens that i couldn’t verify 100% and also would like to know about staking,

Can you please advise if they are or aren’t halal investment?

Cordano ADA ( Hold and stake )
Vechain VET ( Hold and stake )
Harmony ONE ( Hold and stake )
Ecomi Omi ( I don’t buy any NFTs, i just hold the token )
Veracity VRA ( Hold and stake )
Multivac MTV ( Hold and stake )
REvival RVL ( Hold )
Zilliqa ZIL ( Hold )
Memepad MEPAD ( Hold and stake )

