Comparing Platform Fees

Jazakallah Musa for you kind words.

  1. Sure. My Pension fund is 100% invested in HSBC Islamic Global Equity Index Fund with Legal and General as that is what my employer has chosen as the pension provider and their fee is very minimal due to the corporate rate agreed. As I am ~20 years away from needing to drawing any money out of it, I have chosen to be 100% in equity and also this fund is heavy towards growth stocks that should do well in long run in my view.

But listen, brother, every individual has their unique circumstances and what’s good for me may not be suitable for you… the more we educate our self about investing, the more informed decisions we can take. In terms of Islamic Options available, you can refer IFG’s Compare Halal Investments section.

  1. Trading 212: Very good point. Yes, Trading 212 works best if you are interested mainly in stock picking as they have limited Islamic ETFs/funds (Vs AJ Bell) i believe the “Ishares” one I mentioned in the earlier post. One thing to be aware of is that their “Investment” account has been disallowed by muftis in this forum @ Which broker do I choose now? but their “ISA Account” should work.


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