Business apprenticeship

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
I wanted some advice on whether these job roles are halal and which would be better for me based on shariah. I want to do an apprenticeship with EY in either tax or assurance.

The job roles for assurance includes:

  • Getting to know our clients, their businesses and how they work
  • Testing checks and balances to ensure they work how they’re supposed to
  • Analysing the data that goes into a financial statement to make sure it is true and fair
  • You’ll also spend substantial periods of time travelling to other offices and client sites
  • You will be expected to work longer hours during peak times in client delivery work – this is especially the case during busy season when you will need to work over weekends too.

And the job roles for the tax service includes: What will you be doing?

  • Working across various specialist tax teams within UK & Ireland or Financial Services
  • Working directly on tax reporting, technical research and data analysis alongside senior colleagues
  • Building important relationships with clients.

Do they comply to shariah and would it be halal for me to work in these areas?

Wasalam wr wb

May Allah bless you.
If its just for apprenticeship, I would advice you to go into tax department. However, in terms of future career, we would need more information on the role you will be performing to determine if its halal or not.

I believe, internship and apprenticeship are very valuable and important for young people to get important skills. Sadly, the halal job industry cannot accommodate the demand for Muslims. Hence, out of necessity, I encourage people to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills, and use them to develop the halal industry later on.

And Allah knows best!

Kind regards