Assalamu galeikum. Does AAOIFI allow 5% of any haram income or just interest one? And how should we purify the whole haram income if a financial report shows only the interest revenue?
Wa alaykum salaam,
It’s all impure income, not just interest income.
The AAOIFI purification method is as follows:
“The figure, whose elimination is obligatory on the person dealing in shares,
is arrived at by dividing the total prohibited income of the corporation whose
shares are traded by the number of shares of the corporation; thus, the
figure specific to each share is obtained. Thereafter, the result is multiplied
by the number of shares owned by the dealer—individual, institution, fund
or another—and the result is what is to be eliminated as an obligation.”
In regard to your second query, using a stock screener which gives more data is much better.