Aslam O Alaikum brothers!
We are team of developers who have been learning about blockchain and cryptocurrencies for more than a year now. We have learn alot and we have worked on many crypto based projects.
As it seems to look that crypto is now going to be widely use in future, but as we muslims always stays behind on technology. Similarly most almost all of the financial institutions are involve interest in some way as it is controlled by non muslims.
So we want to develop some platforms which are shariah complaint and according to the rulings of Quran and Sunnah. We are doing research on our side as well. We would like to ask moftis here to guide as on the right path. Currently we are capable of building
- Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, etheruem, matic, cardano. You can say we can build any kind of cryptocurrency.
- Tokens like stable coins, Fungible and Non Fungible tokens like Erc20, Erc721, Erc1155 etc.
- Cryptp currency wallets like metamask atomic wallet, trust wallet, etc.
- Crypto currency exchanges like binance.
- Tokenomics based platforms to tokenize digital and non digital assets.
- Automated Market marker like pancakeswap, uniswap etc.
So we would like to know all about these platforms and how we can make them halal.