Crypto Question: Is Binance Coin BNB halal?

I can’t access the document is BnB halal then?

Dear plz guide me is Australian safe shepherd crypto is gala?

Tell me about doge coin

we look forward to hearing from you

salam I will be also interested to know the list if halal or not
thank you

@Mufti_Faraz_Adam Assalaaamu alaikkum
The above pdf you have posted is not opening brother.
I need to clarify whether Binance coin is halal or not. Plz do reply me.

Hi are there any sharia compliant Exchange/ platforms? Which ones if any?

Hi Maria. Buying BTC and XRP through binance exchanger was halal or not? Answer me please. Thank you in advance :sparkles: :blush:

Sir is cake token Halal or not?

Assalamualaikum sir please tell me why future and mirgin trading is haram please tell me

  1. Baby Doge
  2. Bogecoin
  3. Newinu

I have a request to review the token “FEG”

Assalaamu alaykum, mufti

I’m anas from malaysia, may i know status BNB vault is it haram or halal? because the interest come from various source. I attached link below. I appreciate if you can help me.

Assalaamu alaykum, mufti

I’m anas from malaysia, may i know status BNB vault is it haram or halal? because the interest come from various source. I attached link below. I appreciate if you can help me.

what re u using platform ?

It is halal in india

Assalamu alaikum Please i want to know if binance spot trading halal or haram i don’t want to go against the Islamic shariah

sir the link is not working. @Mufti_Faraz_Adam

Assalaamu Alaykum

Thank you very much for your answer. Allah blesses you.

I was investing S-Group investment found (S-Group: British investment fund | directions S-Group) in 2021.
I asked about Halal or Haram this process in telegrams groups of the company.
I fill that 99% is Halal. but it is not 100%.

Please could you inspect this found that Halal or Haram?

The best regards
Ulugbek Hojimatov